Narkis Street Congregation meets every Shabbat/Saturday for corporate worship, study, and fellowship at 11:00 am.
Our congregation is led by Pastor Gary Alley.
What can you expect at Narkis Street Congregation?
We are a multinational, interdenominational body based in Jerusalem. We are located on the west side of Jerusalem, which is predominately Jewish. Therefore, we meet on Saturday/Shabbat. Our members live and work among both Israeli and Palestinian societies. We have a love for all the peoples of this land. For more, here.
Our Bible Study emphasizes the teachings of Jesus and how he interpreted, handled, and applied the Hebrew Scriptures as a first-century Jew. For more on our study of the Word of God, here.
During our weekly service, we recite the Shma ("Hear, O Israel" of Deut 6:4-9) and read from the Parasha (a portion of Scripture from the Torah). Such a tradition was observed by Jesus and his early followers (Luke 4:17, Acts 13:15; 17:2) and continues to be a part of contemporary Jewish practice.
Our congregation has a heart for the poor, broken, and lost. Whether it is the widow, orphan, sick, or refugee, we make it a priority to give to those in need, whenever we are able. Our charity work is a practical way that we express our faith as followers of Jesus. For more, here.
Learn about Our Identity and Vision, here.
Learn about Our History, here.
Connect with us, here.